Sunday, January 31, 2010

East to west?

I just got my bicycling coast to coast -virginia to oregon -book in the mail and didn't realize that it was written for riders that are going east to west. I haven't really decided which direction I plan on going in. I've heard a lot about the benefits of going west to east (prevailing winds, ending on the coast where you live yadda yadda) but I kind of like the idea of ending west. It's the BIG destination. Having Virgina as a destination just seems kind of boring! I've been there multiple times, but I've never been to Oregon. Well, it's decided then, east to west I go. I also still have to try and figure out how I am going to get a dog on the trip. When I get back from Yellowstone, I'm thinking about getting a pup but that might have to be delayed because of this trip! many decisions. I wish I had an experienced tourer to ask these questions to! If you're out there, get at me!

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